Local Area Networks
Local Area Networks (LANs) have been set up for beekeepers to obtain hands on practical experience in the field with other members of the Association.
LAN participants must be members of the STBA for insurance purposes.
Local Area Network Contacts
Clarence Network Coordinator Daniel Sherrin 0437 083 895 beecollectivetas@gmail.com
Grass Tree Hill Network Coordinator Ashby Newman 0438 78 1245 ajnewman@utas.edu.au
Tasman Peninsula Network Coordinator Chris Wilkie 0447794865 stormbayofhobart@gmail.com
Southern Beaches Jeff Lee 0418 986 444 tassiejeff99@bigpond.com
Kingston & Blackmans Bay Ashley Dales 0409 129 975 yengdales@gmail.com
Derwent Valley vacant